Order Confirmation

Thank you for your deposit. Your transaction has been completed.

The next step is to upload your images. Please follow these instructions carefully to avoid having to re-upload (you may want to bookmark this page for future reference):

  1. Please send no more than 300 images (unless you purchase our culling service).
  2. Please organize your image collection so that your designer can view the images in a single start-to-finish sequence of day's events. We prefer to sort alphabetically by filename, but if sorting by "date/time created" is necessary, please communicate that with us.
  3. We recommend sending your images in two folders -- favorites & additional images. If you send a favorite images folder, those images will be used as focal points for the design, so you will be more likely to love it.
  4. In order to speed up your upload time, you may save your images as quality 10 .jpgs (Photoshop) or quality 92 .jpgs (Lightroom). This will not impact the quality of your images, but will cut down on image size.
  5. Zip all your folders/images into ONE FILE before uploading. Name the file using this convention: "your studio_client's first names".
  6. You can send your zipped file of images to us any number of ways:
    1 - If you already host your images using PASS, Pixieset or Zenfolio, click here for instructions on how to proceed.
    2 - You can send your images to us by clicking here: https://dropbox.hightail.com/Align. Please include your studio name and the first names of the clients in the subject line.
    3 - If you have Hightail, Dropbox, or WeTransfer, you can send your images to us at info@alignalbumdesign.com. Please include your studio name and the first names of the clients in the subject line or notes section.

    Once we receive your images, a designer will contact you via email.

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