Using Incentives & Deadlines to Close the Sale

Tips & Tricks

Hey guys! Melissa Jill -- pro wedding photographer and owner of Align -- here again to continue my series on efficient and profitable album design and sales. I've talked a lot in this series about up-selling -- offering your clients the option to add spreads to their album after the wedding by showing them an ideal design they won't be able to live without. As I've mentioned in past posts, there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to do this. This post isn't going to make a lot of sense if you aren't caught up on the other posts where I discussed this concept of up-selling and how to do it well. So make sure you get caught up here before reading on: 
Once you present an opportunity to your client to upgrade their album, it is wise to entice them with some incentives for choosing to do so in a timely manner. They are sure to love the ideal album design you send them and want the whole thing. But if they put off the decision to upgrade and the initial excitement wears off, it is unlikely they will decide to do so. They will instead, more than likely, find another place to spend their money.  
When I send an email to my clients with instructions for how to revise their initial album design, I include information on my incentives and deadlines:

I spell out the costs and the deadlines explicitly in an email so they know exactly what their options are. For example:  
"I wanted to give you some info on how to proceed with finalizing your album design. The album you ordered includes 17 spreads. The one I designed you has 30. I did this because you guys had so many great photos and I wanted to show you what your album COULD be. So you can either choose to narrow down the layouts to 17 or upgrade your album by purchasing more layout spreads at $120/spread. If you wanted to purchase the album as it is now, it would cost an additional $1,689.48 (this includes tax). 
I would really love for you guys to have the full album I designed for you, so if you place your order for the full 30 spreads within one month (by May 7th) I'll give you 20% off the cost of upgrading (total due would be $1,351.58). If you place your order for the full 30 spreads within 2 months (by June 7th) I'll give you 10% off the cost of upgrading (total due would be $1,520.53)." 
These incentives and deadlines encourage clients to make a decision quickly, while their excitement for their wedding is still running high. AND they help speed up the decision making process to keep your album turn-around times short. It's a win-win: savings for your clients, and for you: no more albums hanging indefinitely over your head.
And exciting news! If you're a photographer who wants to start offering albums without investing hours of guesswork and trial and error -- we have a solution for you! Check out the Album Start-Up Kit and start maximizing your profit today! 

Blog post written by: Melissa Jill

Milwaukee Lakeside Wedding Album Design for Lindsey Taylor Photography

Album Designs
We've been working with luxury and destination wedding photographer Lindsey Taylor Photography for a couple of years now and always feel spoiled when we get to design an album using her gorgeous film and digital images! Lindsey is based out of Chicago and travelled to Milwaukee for this absolutely LOVELY wedding.  
When she placed the design order, she let us know to start with approximately 20 spreads but that the couple would likely want to add more because they wanted to include as many images as possible. The design ended up being 28 spreads total and was approved after just one round of revisions. We're so glad the couple decided to add more spreads to accommodate more images rather than trying to stuff as many images as possible into a small number of spreads. You'll see how the minimal design ended up telling the story so beautifully! We always say -- "the fewer images per spread, the more importance you give them!" And this album definitely illustrates that truth! 
Lindsey did such a phenomenal job capturing all the emotions and moments of this wedding day next to Lake Michigan! Here are a few of our favorite spreads from the stunning design:

To see the design in full, click through the slideshow: 
Thank you, Lindsey, for trusting us to be a part of your team!
Design by: Rachel (View More) // Design style: Classic (View More) // Blog post written by: Melissa Jill

Industrial Loft Wedding Album Design for Sherah Grose Photography

Album Designs
Oh happy day! This album design is a beauty and we are SO thrilled to get to share it with you today!  
Chicago wedding photographer Sherah Grose is unbelievably talented and kind and we always enjoy working with her! Sherah requested our Simple design style for this album so only 58 images were used in the 20 spreads. This minimal approach to the design allowed for a lot of breath between the spreads and the opportunity to really highlight impactful moments throughout the day. 
And one incredible fun-fact about this design -- it was approved with ZERO changes from the photographer or client! We always do a little happy dance when we can nail the initial design in such a way that everyone loves it as-is! 
Sherah gave us the following insight into this very special wedding day: 
"The most important thing to know about this couple is that Allie and Jack prioritized people above all else on their wedding day. Allie had a lot of fun planning her wedding with her mom and Stephanie Cook of The Creative Planners, and could have had her wedding anywhere she wanted. However, at the end of the day, Allie and Jack just wanted to get married surrounded by the people they loved, and they made choices that helped them connect with and care for their guests.  
I have to say, my favorite image in the whole album is the spread with the head table all toasting together at the reception. Allie and Jack sat separately at a sweetheart table, and watched as their best friends cheered them on. These two had the best wedding day, and made sure that everyone else had the best time, too. I don't think it gets any better than that!" 
Sherah was so kind to photograph the printed KISS album and send a few images our way. Here they are along with some of our favorite spreads from this stunning design:

To see the design in full, click through the slideshow: 
Thank you, Sherah, for trusting us to be a part of your team!
Design by: Shannon (View More) // Design style: Simple (View More) // Blog post written by: Melissa Jill

4 Steps to Simplified Album Proofing and Revisions

Tips & Tricks

I think we can all agree that the revision process is hands-down the most painful and arduous part of the entire album production process. At least it can be. Occasionally we get a client who loves the initial design and approves it as-is, but more often than not, there is a good deal of back and forth before the design is approved and ready for ordering.  
Not only am I the owner of Align, but I'm also a wedding photographer. And I've been through some very ROUGH album revisions. It can be a total headache and drag on for months or even years. 
There are some things we can do as photographers to speed up the revision process and give our clients the best experience possible. I talk about one of them in this post: Speedy Workflow = Happy Clients + Higher Sales. But here are four more: 
1 -- Online Proofing 
I'm a big believer that online proofing is the way to go. You can bring clients into your office, but that takes up valuable time, and it is much easier for them to deliberate over their changes from the comfort of their own home. It's important to find a clean and simple online proofing solution. We at Align use AlbumExposure -- our partner for album proofing -- and we highly recommend them to you regardless of whether or not you outsource your designs to Align. If you DO outsource to Align, here is an example of what your proofing on AlbumExposure will look like:

When you first get your design from us, it will have our logo at the top. But once you push the "accept" button and accept the design into your own AlbumExposure account to send on to your client, our logo will be replaced with your own:

That way, if you'd like, your client doesn't even need to know that you are outsourcing your designs!  
2 -- Clear & Systematized Email Communication About the Process 
It's important that you are crystal clear in your email communication with your client to make sure they understand how the album process will work. We recommend creating email templates that you can use for every client so that the same information is communicated every time and nothing falls through the cracks. (If you're interested in saving some time creating these, we offer 8 pages of email templates that cover every step of the album design and revision process here!) Since I send my clients an initial album design before sending them a link to their entire gallery of images (see this post for more on why), after I get an initial design from Align and use the first round of revisions to tweak it myself, I send an email to my client with a link to the proof and communicate two very important things at this juncture: 
A -- I remind them that we designed their album larger than what they ordered, so they will have some choices to make. (Part of my workflow is that I up-sell my albums. I make sure to educate my clients on this process up front before they even hire me, but it's important to remind them of this at this juncture. Click here to read more about my up-selling strategy!
B -- I let them know that we are still working on getting their full image gallery online so they don't need to worry about making any changes yet. They can just enjoy the design for now and I will be in touch soon with a link to their online gallery and further instructions on revising their design to make it perfect before we place the order. 
3 -- Simple Revision Instructions 
Once the gallery of images is online and the client has had a chance to look at ALL of their images, I send another template email with revision instructions and upgrade costs. In order to make sure the revision process doesn't drag on forever, I set a limit for my clients -- 2 rounds of revisions are included in the cost of their album. So they can type comments in the comment boxes on every spread of the album if they'd like, but once they push, "send comments," one round of revisions is complete. If they need more than two rounds to make their changes, I charge $50 per additional round. I never need to do this, however, because the boundary helps clients use their revisions wisely and thoughtfully.  
The other thing I ask them to do is to help us maintain the integrity of the design by swapping out vertical for vertical images and horizontal for horizontal. That way we don't need to redesign every page -- just make quick and easy image swaps. Clients don't always follow this instruction, and sometimes pages do need to be reconfigured to accommodate the images they want included, but it doesn't hurt to ask, and oftentimes does help simplify the process. 
4 -- Using Align's Hands-Off Workflow 
I can't help but bring up our Hands-Off Service while we're on the subject of making revision rounds easier! We hear from a lot of photographers that they can easily create initial designs using DIY software, but what really bogs them down is the back-and-forth of revision rounds. Hopefully the 3 tips above make that process a bit smoother for you, but if you'd prefer to simply outsource the revision process completely, our Hands-Off Service is THE way to go. For only $25 extra, your Align designer acts like your in-house designer (your client never sees Align's logo!) who communicates with your client directly and walks them through the whole revision process. Say goodbye to your involvement in lengthy revision rounds and picky client requests! Learn more about our Hands-Off Service here. And, if you are also printing through us, check out our Cover Finalization Service as well! 
And remember -- if you're looking to simplify and streamline your client communication, making the whole album process -- including proofing -- easier on you, you might consider looking into our album workflow email templates. Included are 8 pages worth of email templates for different points throughout your album workflow covering all of the communication mentioned above plus more! They're a huge time-saver and will help you make sure nothing falls through the cracks! 

3 Steps to Simplified Wedding Album Proofing and Revisions
Blog post written by: Melissa Jill

Classy Washington DC Wedding Album Design for Christina Joy Fox

Album Designs

Cada época mostra personalidades populares cujas contribuições e obras deixam uma marca significativa na história dos povos. Muita informação sobre personalidades famosas no site, todos fatos interessantes sobre o portugues. Estudar as suas vidas e contributos ajuda a saber como influenciaram o desenvolvimento da sociedade e da ciência, da pintura e da história, da competição e da política, do empreendedorismo e da economia. Este trabalho é dedicado à história de pessoas semelhantes, sua esfera profissional e o propósito de suas contribuições.

Ciência e inovação

Técnicos e inventores

Nikola Tesla, um engenheiro e artesão brilhante, famoso por suas invenções revolucionárias pessoais no campo da eletricidade e do magnetismo. Ele criou muitas tecnologias, por exemplo, o sistema de corrente alternada, que se tornou a base da rede elétrica moderna.

Steve Jobs, cofundador da Apple Inc., mudou o mundo da tecnologia da informação ao introduzir invenções como o Macintosh, o iPod, o iPhone e o iPad. As ideias e métodos de Steve para o design e funcionalidade de aparelhos eletrônicos influenciaram significativamente a melhoria da engenharia elétrica atual e de consumo.

Desenho e história

Em qualquer período, a história desempenhou um papel fundamental na criação da imagem e dos países. Contaremos brevemente sobre os personagens principais.


L. da Vinci, um notável artista da Renascença, deixou um rico legado na forma de obras de arte pessoais e escritos acadêmicos. Sua pintura "Mona Lisa" e o afresco "A Última Ceia" estão entre as obras mais famosas e estudadas do mundo.

Pablo Picasso, um dos autores do Cubismo, mudou as ideias habituais sobre a pintura. Suas pinturas, como "Donzelas de Avignon" e "Guernica", tiveram um impacto significativo no desenvolvimento da pintura moderna e tornaram-se exemplos de alguns acontecimentos antigos.

A equipe da página desenvolveu um esquema com as pinturas mais famosas:



Ano em que foi escrito


Da Vinci


Noite estrelada

Van Gogh


Última Ceia

Da Vinci



Edvard Munch



Pablo Picasso


Músicos e compositores

  1. Ludwig van Beethoven, o famoso compositor de música eterna, deixou uma marca profunda na indústria musical com suas próprias obras, sonatas e quartetos. Sua 9ª sinfonia, que contém "Ode à Alegria", foi estabelecida como um padrão de humanidade e unidade.
  2. Freddie Mercury, o vocalista do grupo Queen, foi posicionado não apenas como um vocalista talentoso, mas também como um compositor talentoso. Seus sucessos, como "Bohemian Rhapsody" e "We Are the Champions", continuam a motivar e cativar milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo.


V. Shakespeare, o maior roteirista de todos os tempos, nos deixou um legado significativo na forma de peças e poemas. Suas obras, como "Hamlet", "Romeu e Julieta" e "Macbeth", ainda são relevantes e encenadas em todo o mundo.

JK Rowling, autora da série Harry Potter, conquistou a imaginação de milhões de consumidores. Suas obras não apenas se tornaram best-sellers, mas também provocaram um grupo de gerações a ler e amar a literatura.


Existem muitos tipos de esportes no mundo. E em qualquer modalidade de esporte existem ícones e autoridades pessoais. Procuramos alguns atletas populares que tiveram um papel significativo no desenvolvimento do esporte.

Jogadores de futebol

L. Messi, um conhecedor do futebol juvenil, ganhou vários prêmios e troféus, incluindo 7 Bolas de Ouro. A fantástica técnica e pensamento de jogo de Lionel fizeram dele um modelo para o futebol mundial.

Pele, um dos jogadores de futebol mais bem-sucedidos de todos os tempos, tornou-se um símbolo da direção e das conquistas do futebol. Sua carreira, que durou três décadas, incluiu três vitórias em Copas do Mundo e vários gols incríveis.

Vencedores olímpicos

M. Phelps, o atleta olímpico de maior sucesso de todos os tempos, levou para casa 23 medalhas de ouro na natação. As conquistas de Phelps nas competições olímpicas tornaram-se uma inspiração para muitos participantes ao redor do mundo.

U. Bolt, dono de competições mundiais na distância de cento e 200 metros, estabeleceu o padrão de velocidade e potência. Suas vitórias nas Olimpíadas e nas competições mundiais fizeram dele um modelo de atletismo.

Política e ativismo social

Cada estado tem suas próprias figuras governamentais populares e influentes. Qualquer um deles mostra seus próprios bloqueios e opiniões de colegas pessoais. Veja nuances úteis sobre Portugal em, publicações dos melhores especialistas.

Líderes políticos

N. Mandela, combatente anti-apartheid e primeiro líder negro da África do Sul, tornou-se um símbolo das lutas de identidade. Sua liderança e forte crença na liberdade humana mudaram o curso da história do estado.Margaret Thatcher, a primeira mulher Primeira-Ministra da Grã-Bretanha, desenvolveu mudanças radicais que mudaram o panorama monetário do país. Seus princípios inabaláveis e teimosia fizeram dela uma das autoridades governamentais mais influentes do século 20.


Martin Luther King, o líder do movimento pelos direitos sociais nos EUA, deixou uma marca indelével com a sua própria batalha anti-violenta pela igualdade e pelos direitos humanos. Seu famoso discurso "Eu tenho um sonho" tornou-se um símbolo de esperança e mudança.

Greta Thunberg, uma promissora ativista da temperatura, inspirou muitos moradores a lutar pela honestidade ecológica. Suas palavras e ações chamaram a atenção da comunidade mundial para as questões das mudanças de temperatura.

Negócios e economia

Janet Yellen, a primeira mulher a assumir o cargo de chefe do Fed dos EUA, desempenhou um papel de liderança na gestão da política de pagamentos do governo. Suas conclusões e trabalho tiveram um impacto importante no comércio mundial.

Ilon Musk, o fundador da Tesla e da SpaceX, tornou-se um exemplo de inovação e evolução. Seus ambiciosos projetos na área de carros elétricos e inovações espaciais mudaram o estereótipo de amanhã.

Financiadores populares. John Maynard Keynes, um famoso financista, apresentou hipóteses que mudaram radicalmente a ciência dos pagamentos. As suas ideias sobre a intervenção governamental na economia durante o declínio tornaram-se fundamentais para os actuais decisores políticos monetários.

Empreendedores famosos. V. Buffett, um dos produtores de maior sucesso de todos os tempos, inspirou muitas pessoas com seu exemplo e atitude de investimento. Sua empresa, a Berkshire Hathaway, tornou-se uma referência em prosperidade de longo prazo e visão estratégica.


To see the design in full, click through the slideshow: 
Thank you, Christina, for trusting us to be a part of your team!
Design by: Kari (View More) // Design style: Classic (View More) // Blog post written by: Melissa Jill
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